Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2019 21:39:54 -0600 (MDT) Hi Suman, Below is the "how to create the Lev0/QL movies". See you tomorrow, Keiji ============================================================================= ### QL/Level0 Mpeg Movie Archive ### ++++ Overview +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weekly job : Update QL Movies and web page for current month Monthly job: (After whole XRT lev0 data has arrived at MSU) Update Movies and web page for last month (1) Create PNG image files from QL or Lev0 data (2) Convert the PNG files into MP4 movies (3) Move the movie files into the directory for publish and create an HTML file ++++ Preparation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To use the necessary IDL procedures, you need to add the direcoty "/disk/data/HINODE/msu_idllib/" to your $IDL_PATH. You can make it by adding the line below to the file ".cshrc" in your home directory: setenv IDL_PATH +/disk/data/HINODE/msu_idllib/ ++++ Workflow Sample ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [QL] (On Kootenai) ~xrtco/bin/ -d 20190701 14 # You can adjust the parameters "day0" and "day1" in the next step # with the output of the command. # Please replace "20190701 14" with date/hour of the last run, when you use (On any SG machines) IDL> msu_xrtserver_images,'201906',/ql,day0=20,day1=27 IDL> msu_xrtserver_movie,'201906' ; check the movies (particularly small-sized ones) IDL> msu_xrt_html4mov,'201906',/ql [Lev-0] (On any SG machines) IDL> msu_xrtserver_images,'201906',/clean ; Clean up the image directory ; Please note that the PNG files are NOT overwritten. ; So you have to remove all of them to replace with the new PNG files ; from level-0 data. IDL> msu_xrtserver_images,'201906' IDL> msu_xrtserver_movie,'201906' IDL> msu_xrt_html4mov,'201906' ; confirm all OK IDL> msu_xrtserver_images,'201906',/clean ; Clean up the image directory ; You don't have to remove them right away. ; You can leave them for a few months, if you want to do so. ++++ Directory and web page +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Just FYI. /disk/data/tmp/hinode_xrt/images/ # stores PNG files /disk/data/tmp/hinode_xrt/movies/ # stores MP4 files /www/HINODE/XRT/lev0_movies/ # movie files for www /www/HINODE/XRT/lev0_mma/ # html files for www =============================================================================