Consideration of XRT Level0 Quick Look web service.

22-Mar-2017, Aki Takeda.

1. Creation of XRT level0 QL web service.

1.1 Motivation.

Started from Chunming Zhu's personal products (movies of all XRT data). It would be benefitial to provide easy quick-look service for general users of XRT data: Users can check the availability of XRT data before downloading the actual data for analysis.

1.2 What is the desirable features as the QL archive ?

2. Statistical study of exposure times used for each X-ray filter.

2.1 XRT Analysis Filters and Exposure Indexes.

(click image to enlarge)
Narukage (2011) Solar Physics vol.269:pp.169 Kano (2008) Solar Physics vol.249:pp.263

2.2. Study of a Sample Month (2014/12).

(click image to enlarge)
Histogram of exposure indexes for each filter