XRT Stray Light Study 7 -- Measurement and Correction.
Link to the 5th and 6th test page.
(14 August, 2014 by Aki Takeda)
1. About the 7th tests (performed in the 2014/08/07 timeline).
- collects light curves of the XRT eclipses.
- first attempt to obtain off-point stray-light images
(Ti-poly & C-poly) at N-pole, S-pole, E-limb and W-limb pointings.
Pointing coordinates determination:
- N- and S-pole pointings were chosen to be the same as the HOP81
(Polar Monitoring Campaign). Their pointing coordinates are calculated as:
(default value) + (offset) .
The default value is (0,900) for the N-pole and (0,-920)
for the S-pole observations. The offset is the difference
between Hinode and XRT pointings, calculated by Shimizu-san every week
using the result of the co-alignment programs. That way, the XRT observes
the area centered at (0,900) and (0,-920) year-round during HOP81.
For the week of 2014/08/08, the offset value was announced as (11,35),
so the polar pointings were calculated as follows.
N-pole: (0,900) - (11,35) = (-11, 865)
S-pole: (0,-920) - (11,35) = (-11,-955)
- E-limb and W-limb pointings were determined less attentively.
This time, the values used in the HOP130 (Full Disk Slot Scans)
was chosen.
E-limb: (-936,0)
W-limb: ( 936,0) -- not performed this time.
Exposure time determination:
- For the polar pointings, the exposure time was chosen to 4096 ms for
the both Ti-poly and C-poly filters. This value is used in some of the
HOP81 XOBs for Ti-poly.
- For the E- and W-limb pointings, the exosure time is same as the
current synoptic XOBs (the longest exposure of the Ti-poly triplet,
the longer of the C-poly doublet).
The tests were performed on:
- 8-Aug-2014, 18:56 -- 19:30UT (at N-pole).
- 8-Aug-2014, 20:40 -- 20:50UT (at E-limb).
- 8-Aug-2014, 22:15 -- 22:30UT (at S-pole).
- no good time window found for the W-limb pointing.
Solar condition.
2. Test sequences.
N-pole sequence.
- 18:56:00 -- s/c pointing to the North pole (-11,865)
- 19:03:00 -- test sequence started (until ~19:16).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1024x1024 pix, 2" resol., Full-Sun, Ti-poly and C-poly long/short
- 256x256 pix, 2" resol., every 10 sec on the center FOV,
Ti-poly + G-band(VLS close).
- 1024x1024 pix, 2" resol., every 60 sec, Full-Sun, Ti-poly and C-poly.
- detailed parameters of the sequence (XOB#1A30).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 19:06:00 ------ XRT entering twilight zone.
- 19:15:00 ------ XRT s/c night entry.
- 19:16:00 ------ pointing changed to AR12132.
- 19:22:00 ------ XRT s/c night exit.
- 19:25:00 ------ XRT SAA entry.
- 19:31:00 ------ XRT exiting from twilight.
E-limb sequence.
- 20:40:00 -- s/c pointing to the East limb (-936,0).
- 20:41:00 -- test sequence started (until ~20:54). <--- pointing not
stabilized yet.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1024x1024 pix, 2" resol., Full-Sun, Ti-poly and C-poly long/short
- 256x256 pix, 2" resol., every 10 sec on the center FOV,
Ti-poly + G-band(VLS close).
- 1024x1024 pix, 2" resol., every 60 sec, Full-Sun, Ti-poly and C-poly.
- detailed parameters of the sequence (XOB#1A2F).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 20:44:00 ------ XRT entering twilight zone.
- 20:53:30 ------ XRT s/c night entry.
- 20:54:00 ------ pointing changed to AR12132.
- 21:00:30 ------ XRT s/c night exit.
- 21:03:00 ------ XRT SAA entry.
- 21:09:30 ------ XRT exiting from twilight.
S-pole sequence.
- 22:15:00 -- s/c pointing to the South pole (-11,-955)
- 22:19:30 -- test sequence started (until ~22:33).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1024x1024 pix, 2" resol., Full-Sun, Ti-poly and C-poly long/short
- 256x256 pix, 2" resol., every 10 sec on the center FOV,
Ti-poly + G-band(VLS close).
- 1024x1024 pix, 2" resol., every 60 sec, Full-Sun, Ti-poly and C-poly.
- detailed parameters of the sequence (XOB#1A30).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 22:22:30 ------ XRT entering twilight zone.
- 22:32:00 ------ XRT s/c night entry.
- 22:32:30 ------ pointing changed to AR12132.
- 22:38:30 ------ XRT s/c night exit.
- 22:40:30 ------ XRT SAA entry.
- 22:48:00 ------ XRT exiting from twilight.
3. Results of the test observation.
3.1 Sunset light curves
- The same exposure time was used for polar- and limb(equator)- pointings.
It turned out that the Ti-poly 250ms was too short for the polar pointings,
where no active region included in the FOV. Low signal levels resulted in
large fluctuation in the Ti-poly light curves.
- The re-poining schedule was tight on the day of the measurement(8-Aug).
The pointing change (to the next observation) turned out a little too early
(30 sec to 1 min after the s/c night) and thus the light curves were
truncated before the spacecraft completely enters the night.
at the time of the N-pole pointing.
at the time of the E-limb pointing.
at the time of the S-pole pointing.
3.2 Stray light images
Ti-poly stray-light images
(4 second exp.) movie.
C-poly stray-light images
(4 second exp.) movie.
Ti-poly stray-light images
(1.4 second exp.) movie.
C-poly stray-light images
(1.4 second exp.) movie.
Ti-poly stray-light images
(4 second exp.) movie.
C-poly stray-light images
(4 second exp.) movie.
3.3 Image correction
BEFORE [synoptic (double) composite image] |
AFTER [stray light image (prep-ed) subtracted] |
BEFORE [(double) composite image before twilight] |
AFTER [stray light image (prep-ed) subtracted] |
BEFORE [(double) composite image before twilight] |
AFTER [stray light image (prep-ed) subtracted] |
BEFORE [(double) composite image before twilight] |
AFTER [stray light image (prep-ed) subtracted] |
BEFORE [(double) composite image before twilight] |
AFTER [stray light image (prep-ed) subtracted] |
BEFORE [(double) composite image] |
AFTER [stray light image (prep-ed) subtracted] |