title: "A void left after a filament eruption on 2016/11/05" description: Observing the Sun with a wide field of view sometimes catches an interesting event happened at an unexpected place. Hinode/XRT usually observes a relatively small area of the Sun (typically the size of an active region) with high temporal and spatial resolution, but this event was caught in our synoptic full-Sun observing program, which runs twice every day. On 5 November 2016, during our morning full-Sun observing program, XRT observed a bright arcade of loops in the North-West hemisphere. Such arcades are often observed as aftermath of filament eruptions, but what is special with this event is a dark roundish structure (looks like a void) located in the North-East of the arcades. It is known that the "coronal dimming" is sometimes observed around the foot points of erupting filaments. According to the SDO/AIA movie of this filament eruption [please make a link to the mp4 movie], the location of the void seems to correspond to the place where the northern part of the filament started to expand rapidly. A possible explanation would be that the coronal plasma that existed in the void got depleted or swept away by the rapid expansion of the erupting filament. (prepared by Aki Takeda and Chunming Zhu)