Constraining the Source of Radio Emission in Seyfert 1 Galaxies

Kaitlyn Linder

2023 Solar Physics REU at Montana State

Anne Lohfink

About Me

I am a rising senior at Boise State University where I am working towards a degree in Physics with an Astrophysics emphasis and an Applied Mathmatics minor. I am participating in Montana State's Solar Physics program to help deepen my knowledge of research and to help me prepare for Grad school.

Project Description

My project is focused on radio-quiet supermassive black holes in Seyfert 1 galaxies. These black holes have high emissions in radio frequencies, but without creating large scale radio structures like other black holes. Using high resolution data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), we hope to learn the cause of these radio emissions

Biweekly Update

Week 1-2

Week 3-4


Week 7-8
