SSOC Tohbans Report for Week 51_95 (18 December - 24 December 1995) SSOC: S. Tanuma and T. Yokoyama KSC: S. Morita and Y. Iizuka 0. Meeting Attendants -------------------------------------------------------- Hara, Kano, Masuda, Ogawara, Sakao, Savy, Sawa, Tanuma, Watanabe, Yokoyama 1. Solar Activity ------------------------------------------------------------ The activity was very low, staying around A level. No remarkable flare occurs during this week. 2. Standard Operations ------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 SXT table uploads A total of 6 SXT tables were uploaded: ------------------------------------------------- Date (JST) Pass# Table ID 18-DEC-95 3 951218 P3 ARS1 DKCAL 19-DEC-95 2 951218 P2 ARS0 STRAY+DIFFU 19-DEC-95 5 951219 P4 ARS0 QUIET CORON 20-DEC-95 2 951219 P2 ARS0 STRAYLIGHT 20-DEC-95 4 951220 P4 ARS0 QUIET CORON 23-DEC-95 4 951223 P3 ARS1 STD+LONG ------------------------------------------------- 2.2 STT timer setting The STT Timer was set on 19-Dec-95 (Tuesday), during pass 951219-0103 (pass 3). 2.3 S/C pointing for SXT terminator images The table below lists the satellite pointing for SXT terminator images: ------------------------------------------------------------- Date Time (UT) OG comment (OG#) ------------------------------------------------------------- 19-Dec-95 13:30:39 Normal 21-Dec-95 07:38:55 S/C W.100 S.539 (33) 09:15:59 S/C W.100 S.539 (33) 22-Dec-95 04:42:08 Normal ------------------------------------------------------------- * OGs 33, 34, and 35 were revised from last week [see 6.1]. 3. Errors and Problems ------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 SXT errors An SXT Bitmap Error was found during pass 3 on 19-Dec-95(Tue) and was recovered during the same pass with Yobi C. 3.2 BCS errors None. 3.3 KSC MS Computer Problem On Tuesday (19-Dec-95) at pass 1 (951218-1572) the MS computer at KSC hung during operations. As a result, there were no data acquired between the last DSN and this pass. 3.4 SXT SPT problem SXT SPT system had a problem. Kano san is responsible for this issue. 3.5 Telemetry error ? During pass 3 (951224-1445) on 25-Dec-95 (Mon), after issuing the 'BDR REC' command just before LOS, a telemetry error (?) occured. Part of the real-time observation data was lost. 4. DSN Communications -------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 DSN Final schedule for W51 There were no cancelations for the Final schedule for W51. 4.2 DSN Final schedule for W52 We canceled no DSN contact from the Final schedule for W52. Additional request for 1 contact of 29-Dec-95 is sent to JPL. But this request is rejected. The SSOC tohban in W52 should cancel the contacts appropriately for new-year-holiday operation. 4.3 DSN Preliminary schedule for W01 We canceled 1 DSN contact from the Preliminary Schedule for W01. For new-year-holiday operation, we cancelled no passes. The SSOC tohban in W52 should cancel the contacts appropriately for new-year-holiday operation. 4.4 DSN Strawman schedule for W02 We cancelled 65 DSN contacts from the Strawman Schedule for W02. 4.5 Pass additions None. 4.6 Re-transmission requests and results Katano-san requested re-transmission of the following pass: DOY 354 20-Dec-95 13:29-14:13, DOY 355 21-Dec-95 17:46-18:31 DOY 358 24-Dec-95 13:43-14:30 To date the data has still not arrived. 5. Yohkoh/ASCA/SFU Pass Conflicts at KSC ------------------------------------- In week 51, 8 KSC passes were lost due to conflicts with ASCA. There were no conflicts with SFU. 6. Special Operations -------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 New OGs for SXT terminator offpoints We prepared the following 3 OG commands for offpoints with SXT terminator images: ------------------------------------------------------------ OG# (dec) Content ACS BC ------------------------------------------------------------ 33 S/C W.100 S.539 81-FB-07-01-F4-00-00 34 S/C W.018 N.353 81-FA-CF-02-0D-00-00 35 S/C W.043 S.058 81-FA-76-02-05-00-00 ------------------------------------------------------------ These OGs were uploaded in pass 1 of 19-Dec-95. 7. Holiday Schedule ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.1 New year holidays The last operation of this year is on pass 5, 28-Dec-95(Wed), from 23:21 to 23:36 UT. The new year holidays are from 29-Dec-95 to 03-Jan-96. The first operation in 1996 will start at about 13:00 UT (23:00 JST) of 04-Jan-96. 8. Hikitsugi Items ----------------------------------------------------------- 8.1 Tohbans for W52 KSC: S. Morita and Y. Iizuka SSOC: S. Masuda 8.2 STT timer setting The next STT timer set is due on 26-Dec-95 (Tue). 8.3 OG Editing The SSOC tohbans now have to edit the OGs used for offpoints with SXT terminator images. They should be particularly careful as errors in the OGs could have serious consequences. The new OG commands will be provided by the SXT CO. 8.4 Offpoint terminator images If terminators appear in the OP generated by running OP_FIRST_GUESS, then the OP should be FAXed to the SXT_CO (Chief Observer) in D-toh. The SXT_CO will then inform the SSOC tohbans if offpointing will be carried out. If so, the OP will need be edited appropriately. 8.5 Transmission of OPs It is no longer necessary to confirm the transmission of OP/OG files to KSC by checking the printout on the 3rd floor in B-toh. Instead the time of transmission of the OP/OG files should be noted down. If the SSOC or KSC tohbans notice any failure in transmission of the OP/OG files then it should be reported to Shuto-san and Kosugi-san. 8.6 SXT patrol image dumps A block command `DP BC 8C-05 (hex)' should be executed whenever an SXT Table is uploaded. Since the Sun is very quiet, ARS parameters need to be checked by the SXT patrol images dumped by this command. 8.7 WWW server of DSN The DSN NOCC Information Server (NIS) is now on-line and available for DSN scheduling operations. The URL location is: 8.9 New-year-holiday operation plan Kosugi san has prepared a template of the new-year-holiday OP. The SSOC tohban of W52 should cancel DSN contacts appropriately. ------------------------------- End of Report ---------------------------------