CHIEF OBSERVER'S REPORT for Week 51 10-Dec-00 through 17-Dec-00 TAKEDA A. GENERAL Solar activity has been low. Only one M-class flare was reported at NOAA 9267 on 12-Dec. It occurred in the Yohkoh daytime, but SXT was undergoing a CCD bakeout. It is curious that we met with a M-class flare during the previous bakeout(8-Aug)! SXT TECHNICAL The CCD bakeout was done on 11th though 12th. Again, ARS mis-located the flare site due to the high dark current on the patrol image. The same happened during the last bakeout (see the SXT_CO report for w33). Plots of the CCD temperatures and dark current around the time of the bakeout can be found at There seemed to be a small improvement in the dark level. SXT SCIENTIFIC For Web material see the science nuggets: Current Week: Index: This week's nugget describes the gorgeous coronal-hole channle, which made its nth diskpassage during week 50 (sorry, under construction). CAMPAIGNS A Max Millennium campaign, "Eruptive Flares Associated with Sigmoids" is now in progress. We are on alert for fat sigmoids. For SXT plans, see: For SXT completed campaigns, see: PERSONNEL No change. SEMINARS No seminar this week. TELEMETRY DOWNLINKS Week Wallops Santiago Goldstone Canberra Madrid NASA Japan 51 30 2 0 0 11 43 31 52 28 7 4 0 11 50 36 SXT TABLE PLAN, WEEK 52 (18-Dec-00 to 24-Dec-00) There are no formal campaigns scheduled for this week, although we are on the alert for sigmoid active regions. Two tables uploads are planned on Wednesday and Thursday. ________________________________#_______________________________ JST Day UT Start Time Pass Table ID Tuesday AM 18-DEC-00 16:22 2 001218 P2 ARS1 STD Tuesday PM 19-DEC-00 13:05 1 001219 P1 ARS1 DARK Wednesday AM 19-DEC-00 18:08 4 001219 P4 ARS1 STD Wednesday PM 20-DEC-00 13:08 1 001220 P1 ARS1 DIFF Thursday AM 20-DEC-00 18:12 4 001220 P4 ARS1 STD Friday AM 21-DEC-00 16:34 3 001221 P3 ARS1 STD Friday PM 22-DEC-00 14:56 2 001222 P2 ARS1 STD Sunday AM 23-DEC-00 15:00 3 001223 P3 ARS1 STD A '*' means that the UT date of pass 1 differs from the JST date of the pass in question This table plan is subject to change. Continuing requests: KSC & SSOC Tohbans: If any KSC passes are likely to be cancelled (for example due to heavy snowfall) or an SXT table cannot be uploaded for some reason, please telephone and e-mail the Chief Observer immediately. (, copy to KSC Tohbans: In general flare mode supersedes table upload, i.e. if a flare is in progress please do not upload a new table, and contact the chief observer. Normally it is OK to go ahead with the planned table without change on the next pass, if it is available. Chief observers should keep an eye on this.