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ATT Status for Jan 1 - March 5, 1998

Image name: ATT_status_1998_before.png (click image to enlarge)
Image size: 6.233 KB (786x512)
Caption : Before update of the HXA database.
Date submitted: 04-Mar-1998

Image name: ATT_status_1998_after.png (click image to enlarge)
Image size: 5.641 KB (786x512)
Caption : After update of the HXA database.
Date submitted: 05-Mar-1998


Yohkoh ATT Status for Jan 1 - March 5, 1998

Due to a backlog in Yohkoh final reformatting, the database which reflects the apparent solar diameter as seen by HXA was out of date starting around Jan 25, 1998. Due to drift in HXA outputs coupled with HXA gain changes in mid February, this started causing an increase in the number of Yohkoh Attitude records flagged as bad. For those bad points, the ATT entry was derived from an IRU correction to the Yohkoh commanded instead of the prefered use of the IRU corrected HXA values. One of the symtoms noticed first was an apparent misalignment between the 2 images in the SFD composite pairs which is now attributed component images which mapped into ATT records using the two different sun center derivation methods (commanded and HXA)

What the plots indicate

For the period 1-Jan-1998 through 5-March-1998, the percentage of ATT records with a given derivation method are plotted. The red points indicate ATT records which used HXA/IRU (good) and the yellow points indicate ATT records which used CMD/IRU (bad). As expected, after updating the HXA solar diameter data base, the number of HXA derived ATT records is much higher. Data after Jan 25 reflects KSC data only due to the backlog in final reformatting. The residual trends in the data are interesting and not yet understood. We can repeat this plot after final reformatting has progressed.

Jean-Pierre Wuelser and Sam Freeland

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