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Image name: Photon_Transfer_Sept_98.png (click image to enlarge)
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Date submitted: 02-Oct-1998
CCD Photon Transfer Experiment The figure given in the upper right is a photon transfer curve of the SXT CCD. The crosses are from the bottom half of the CCD and the diamonds are from the top half. The two, nearly identical, straight lines have been fitted to the middle portion (signal 100-275 DN, slope =1.2) of the bottom points and to all of the top points. This work yields the surprising (alarming?) result that the camera gain on 22-24 April 1998 was 13 electrons/DN -- 1/7 of the pre-launch gain setting. This is a PRELIMINARY result and should not be taken too seriously until what I've done has been validated by experts. The last attempt to determine CCD camera gain was by Barry LaBonte and is reported in show_pix/calibration/sxt_ccd_gain. Barry concluded, using a different technique, that the camera gain in June 1996 was 87.9 +/- 1.4 electrons per DN. The photon transfer curve technique is one of the most powerful means of determining the performance of a CCD camera system. In this technique the signal variance (ordinate) is plotted versus the signal in DN (abcissa) on a log-log plot. I processed the data from the bottom and top FR images in two different ways. The problem in such an analysis is to minimize contributions to the variance from fixed-pattern noise. In the case of the bottom half of the CCD I had two images so I got the signal from the sum of the 2 images and the variances from their difference. This permitted me to the sort the signals by intensity (DN) and compute the variance from the difference image for each of these sortings. For the top-half case I only had a single photon transfer image so I computed the average signal and the variance for 61 columns (460:520) around the flat top of the illumination of the CCD, for each row of the image. This greatly increased the scatter but the result is in agreement with the analysis of the bottom half. The IDL code used for this purpose is appended to this message. It is difficult to believe that the camera gain has shifted to such a high value. This would mean that our absolute solar intensities are off by the same factor of 7, i.e., a factor of 7 too large. Also, the pre-launch system gain was adjusted so that the CCD would saturate (exceed full-well capacity) before the ADC saturates for FR operation. This level, about 235 DN does not appear to have changed significantly. I hope that someone can help me to undestand what is going on here! L. Acton 2 Oct 1998 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;10/02/98 ;Photon Transfer Curve Analysis ;Data: ; 12 22-SEP-98 22:38:06 QT/M NaBan/Open Full Dark L 2 1.0 1024x512 ; 13 22-SEP-98 23:10:06 QT/H Open /AlMg Full Dark L 2 1.0 1024x512 ; 17 23-SEP-98 00:50:36 QT/H NaBan/Open Full Dark L 2 1.0 1024x512 ; 20 24-SEP-98 00:36:40 QT/H NaBan/Open Full Dark L 2 1.0 1024x512 ; 21 24-SEP-98 01:08:44 QT/H Open /AlMg Full Dark L 2 1.0 1024x512 ; 22 24-SEP-98 01:13:00 QT/H Open /AlMg Full Dark L 2 1.0 1024x512 ;READ THE DATA rd_sda,'ccd_phot_xfer.sda',-1,index,data ;PROCESS THE 'BOTTOM HALF' IMAGES noise=float(data(*,*,12))-data(*,*,20) signal=(float(data(*,*,12))-data(*,*,13))+$ (float(data(*,*,20))-data(*,*,21)) ;EXCLUDE EDGES AND BLEMS okx=indgen(1021)+2 okx=delind(okx,[366,601]) oky=indgen(502)+10 cleansig=fltarr(1019,502) for i=0,501 do cleansig(*,i)=signal(okx,oky(i)) cleannoise=fltarr(1019,502) for i=0,501 do cleannoise(*,i)=noise(okx,oky(i)) ;ANALYZE THE 'BOTTOM' PHOTON TRANSFER DATA, SORTED BY SIGNAL LEVEL ; SET UP THE PROCESSING PARAMETERS AND THE ARRAYS h=histogram(cleansig) n = n_elements(h) pp=where(cleansig gt 0) amin = min(cleansig(pp)) x = findgen(n) + long(amin) xxx=fltarr(max(x)-min(x)+1) ;SIGNAL ARRAY yyy=fltarr(max(x)-min(x)+1) ;VARIANCE ARRAY nnn=lonarr(n_elements(x)) ;"NUMBER OF SAMPLES" ARRAY for i=fix(amin),fix(max(x)) do begin j=i-fix(amin) ii=where(long(cleansig) eq i,nn) nnn(j)=nn if (nn ge 400) then begin xxx(j)=total(cleansig(ii))/nn yyy(j)=(stddev(cleannoise(ii)))^2 endif endfor jj=where(xxx gt 0) xxx=xxx(jj) yyy=yyy(jj) ;PROCESS THE 'TOP HALF' IMAGES topsig=float(data(okx,oky,17))-data(okx,oky,22) xxxt=fltarr(n_elements(oky)) ;SIGNAL ARRAY yyyt=fltarr(n_elements(oky)) ;VARIANCE ARRAY for i=0,n_elements(oky)-1 do begin xxxt(i)=mean(topsig(460:520,i)) ;CHOOSE 60 COLUMNS FROM FLAT TOP OF yyyt(i)=(stddev(topsig(460:520,i)))^2 ;OF THE INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION endfor ;PLOT THE RESULTS wdef,1,450 plot_oo,xxx,yyy,$ xtit='Mean Signal (DN)',$ ytit='Variance (DN)',psym=1,symsiz=0.5,$ tit='SXT CCD Photon Transfer Curve',$ charsize=1.3 oplot,xxxt,yyyt,psym=4,symsiz=0.4 plottime ;FIT AND PLOT A CURVE TO THE CENTRAL PORTION OF THE 'BOTTOM' CURVE ii=where(xxx ge 100 and xxx le 275) sln=poly_fit(alog10(xxx(ii)),alog10(yyy(ii)),1,sfit) ;print,sln ; -0.701368 ; 0.500844 aa=1000 bb=10^(sln(0)+(sln(1)*alog10(aa))) aa=1 cc=10^(sln(0)+(sln(1)*alog10(aa))) oplot,[1,1e3],[cc,bb],color=100 ;FIT AND PLOT A CURVE TO THE 'TOP' RESULTS (DIAMONDS) sln=poly_fit(alog10(xxxt),alog10(yyyt),1,tyfit) ;print,sln ; -0.581393 ; 0.514919 aa=1000 bb=10^(sln(0)+(sln(1)*alog10(aa))) aa=1 cc=10^(sln(0)+(sln(1)*alog10(aa))) oplot,[1,1e3],[cc,bb] end