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SXT and GOES Overlay for 4-Jan-92 through 14-Aug-95

Image name: SXT_GOES_Flux_Variation.png (click image to enlarge)
Image size: 53.1640 KB (1260x768)
Date submitted: 22-Sep-1995

Overlay of SXT and GOES fluxes for the period 4-Jan-92 through 14-AUG-95.

The SXT fluxes are full disk DN/sec using the SXG data base.  The values
are derived from the SXT SFD (SXT de-saturated composite Full Disk images).
The GOES flux in this plot is from the low energy channel of GOES7.

This plot was made via the IDL commands:
IDL> rd_sxg,'1-jan-92','15-aug-95',sxg		; read data 
IDL> plot_sxg,sxg				; make plot
(need fair amount of memory to handle this large time span in one gulp)

Current SXG data structure is: 
   TIME            LONG          44819347	From SXL data base
   DAY             INT           4752           
   PERIPH          BYTE       217		SXL/SFD image params
   EXPLEVMODE      BYTE        16		""
   IMGPARAM        BYTE         1		""
   DP_MODE         BYTE       141		""
   TEMP_CCD        BYTE        95		""
   SXT_FLUX        LONG          84007736	DN/s 
   LO              FLOAT       1.07482e-05	GOES Low Energy
   HI              FLOAT       4.79623e-07	GOES Hi Energy
   DELTAT          INT            121		SXL/GOES Delta-T (secs)
   GOES_STATUS     BYTE         7		GOES sat#  and data type
   SPARE           BYTE      Array(6)		Future use (suggestions?)

Submitted by:  

B.Haisch, J.Lemen, S.Freeland

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