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Variation of Al.1 Straylight With Pointing

Image name: ThinAl_stray_vs_ATT.png (click image to enlarge)
Image size: 132.528 KB (1024x512)
Date submitted: 04-Nov-1996

							  L. Acton


The data shown here were taken from just over 100 thin aluminum images with
the same nominal (3 arcmin west offpoint) pointing.  The raw
(sxt_compressed) signals were averaged over the areas indicated on the
figure.  The data were not decompressed nor dark-corrected because of
memory limitations -- but it doesn't make any difference for this analysis.

I conclude from fits to these data that for Al.1:

	1) A pihnole straylight change of 1 DN corresponds to a pointing
	shift in either Y or sqrt(Y^2 + X^2) of 2 FR pixels or 5 arcsec.

	2) A lower right straylight change of 1 DN corresponds to a
	pointing shift in X of 13 FR pixels or about 30 arcsec.

I recommend a value of 3 for the Al.1 Dlt-Pnt parameter in mk_sfc.param.	

A compressed genx file with all the plots from this work is in


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