****** date of launch ******

Yohkoh launched from Kagoshima Space Center, Japan, on...
30-Aug-1991 02:30:00 (UT),
30-Aug-1991 11:30:00 (JST).

FYI, the mission period planned initially was just one year!

****** period of scientific operation (of SXT) ******

The first SXT image was taken on ...
03-Sep_1991 01:05:38 (UT).

The last solar image was taken on ...
14-Dec-2001 21:00:09 (UT).

****** date of Reentry ******

Yohkoh reentered the atomosphere and burned out on ...
12-Sep-2005 09:16:00 (UT),
12-Sep-2005 18:16:00 (JST).

The approximate point of reentry was at ...
Latitude  24 degrees North, 
Longitude 85 degrees East.