Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting



Yohkoh, a mission of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences with the cooperation of the United States and United Kingdom was launched a decade ago on 30 August 1991. This scientific meeting has been organized in celebration of ten years of successful scientific operation of Yohkoh. We will review the many and varied advances in our understanding of the dynamic solar atmosphere in the past 10 years of observations by Yohkoh in collaboration with SoHO, TRACE, Ulysses, and, soon, HESSI. The meeting will focus on the conceptual and theoretical advances that coordinated multi-mission and ground based observations of the Sun have enabled in the last decade, and examine the role that continued observations by Yohkoh will play within the context of the programs of the current decade, such as HESSI, Solar-B, STEREO, and the Solar Dynamics Observatory.

There will be limited funds available for travel assistance, especially for young scientists. The Proceedings will be published by Elsevier Science on behalf of COSPAR.

Participant List

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