README for y10_template.tar Written: 01.7.19, M.A. Weber ============================== MANIFEST for y10_template.tar: README.txt (this file) y10_fig1.eps y10_fig2.eps y10_guide.tex y10_style.sty ============================== y10_fig1.eps, y10_fig2.eps: The files and are provided for figure examples in the instructions guide. They are not necessary for your own manuscript. y10_guide.tex: The file is both a set of instructions for preparing your manuscript, and a template for organizing your manuscript according to those guidelines. Run it through LaTeX to generate a readable document of instructions. Make a copy of and rename it as your manuscript. Using the examples, substitute your own text, figures, and tables. There are further explanations appearing as comments inside the file. y10_style.sty: DO NOT MODIFY the file unless you like futzing with LaTeX. This file is designed to follow the COSPAR guidelines, and is not intended to be altered. Simply keep it in the directory where you are running LaTeX on your manuscript. ============================== This template is intended purely for use of the Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting, and the Proceedings thereof. For more information on this Meeting and its Proceedings, visit, or contact the Editors, P.C.H. Martens (MSU) and D. Cauffman (LMSAL). This template is based largely on the template by COSPAR, and on their guidelines for colloquia manuscripts.