================== update: 2014-10-23 20141015Wed-20141021Tue +++++++++++++++++++++++ total: 39 5 Science (Special Issue) 1 ApJS 4 ApJL 7 ApJ 2 A&A 7 Solphys 13 arXiv +++++++++++++++++++++++ Science[5+2] ============ [Introduction to Special Issue] Probing the solar interface region Bart De Pontieu, Alan Title, Mats Carlsson +++++ [Perspective] Looking closer at the Sun Louise K. Harra +++++ On the prevalence of small-scale twist in the solar chromosphere and transition region B. De Pontieu, L. Rouppe van der Voort, S. W. McIntosh, T. M. D. Pereira, M. Carlsson et al. +++++ The unresolved fine structure resolved: IRIS observations of the solar transition region V. Hansteen, B. De Pontieu, M. Carlsson, J. Lemen, A. Title et al. +++++ Evidence of nonthermal particles in coronal loops heated impulsively by nanoflares P. Testa, B. De Pontieu, J. Allred, M. Carlsson, F. Reale et al. +++++ Prevalence of small-scale jets from the networks of the solar transition region and chromosphere H. Tian, E. E. DeLuca, S. R. Cranmer, B. De Pontieu, H. Peter et al. +++++ Hot explosions in the cool atmosphere of the Sun H. Peter, H. Tian, W. Curdt, D. Schmit, D. Innes et al. +++++ ApJS[1] ======= High-resolution Laboratory Spectra of the 193A Channel of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly Instrument on Board Solar Dynamics Observatory Elmar Trabert, Peter Beiersdorfer, Nancy S. Brickhouse, and Leon Golub ApJL[4] ======= Electron Thermal Conduction as a Possible Physical Mechanism to Make the Inner Heliosheath Thinner V. V. Izmodenov, D. B. Alexashov, and M. S. Ruderman +++++ Fanning Out of the Solar f-mode in the Presence of Non-uniform Magnetic Fields? Nishant K. Singh, Axel Brandenburg, and Matthias Rheinhardt +++++ On the Multi-threaded Nature of Solar Spicules H. Skogsrud, L. Rouppe van der Voort, and B. De Pontieu +++++ Trigger Mechanism of Solar Subflares in a Braided Coronal Magnetic Structure Sanjiv K. Tiwari, Caroline E. Alexander, Amy R. Winebarger, and Ronald L. Moore +++++ ApJ[7] ====== Understanding Coronal Mass Ejections and Associated Shocks in the Solar Corona by Merging Multiwavelength Observations P. Zucca, M. Pick, P. Demoulin, A. Kerdraon, A. Lecacheux, and P. T. Gallagher +++++ A Study of Density Modulation Index in the Inner Heliospheric Solar Wind during Solar Cycle 23 Susanta Kumar Bisoi, P. Janardhan, M. Ingale, P. Subramanian, S. Ananthakrishnan, M. Tokumaru, and K. Fujiki +++++ On Sunspot and Starspot Lifetimes S. J. Bradshaw and P. Hartigan +++++ Emission Measure Distribution for Diffuse Regions in Solar Active Regions Srividya Subramanian, Durgesh Tripathi, James A. Klimchuk, and Helen E. Mason +++++ Interacting Tilt and Kink Instabilities in Repelling Current Channels R. Keppens, O. Porth, and C. Xia +++++ Evidence for Wave Heating of the Quiet-Sun Corona M. Hahn and D. W. Savin +++++ A Combined Study of Photospheric Magnetic and Current Helicities and Subsurface Kinetic Helicities of Solar Active Regions during 2006-2013 D. Seligman, G. J. D. Petrie, and R. Komm +++++ A&A[2] ====== Dynamics of a multi-thermal loop in the solar corona G. Nistico, S. Anfinogentov and V. M. Nakariakov +++++ Reconstruction of total and spectral solar irradiance from 1974 to 2013 based on KPVT, SoHO/MDI, and SDO/HMI observations K. L. Yeo, N. A. Krivova, S. K. Solanki and K. H. Glassmeier +++++ Solphys[7] ========== Decameter U-burst Harmonic Pair from a High Loop V. V. Dorovskyy, V. N. Melnik, A. A. Konovalenko et al. +++++ Geoeffectiveness of Coronal Mass Ejections in the SOHO Era M. Dumbovic, A. Devos, B. Vrsnak, D. Sudar, L. Rodriguez et al. +++++ The Balmer Lines of He II in the Blue Wing of the Hydrogen Lyman alpha Line Observed in a Quiescent Prominence J.-C. Vial, G. Eurin, W. Curdt +++++ Time Evolution of Force-Free Parameter and Free Magnetic Energy in Active Region NOAA 10365 G. Valori, P. Romano, A. Malanushenko, I. Ermolli, F. Giorgi et al. +++++ Statistical Survey of Type III Radio Bursts at Long Wavelengths Observed by the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)/Waves Instruments: Goniopolarimetric Properties and Radio Source Locations V. Krupar, M. Maksimovic, O. Santolik, B. Cecconi, O. Kruparova +++++ Dynamics of Flare Processes and Variety of the Fine Structure of Solar Radio Emission over a Wide Frequency Range of 30 - 7000 MHz Gennady Chernov, Valery Fomichev, Baolin Tan, Yihua Yan et al. +++++ The Late Gradual Phase of Large Flares: The Case of November 3, 2003 H. Aurass +++++ arXiv[13] ========= arXiv:1410.3725 Magnetohydrodynamics and Solar Physics Michel Rieutord (IRAP, Toulouse, Fr) Comments: 6 pages; 4 figures; Contribution to the SF2A 2014 annual conference, typo corrected +++++ arXiv:1410.3597 Collisionless transport equations derived from a kinetic exospheric solar wind model with kappa velocity distribution functions Gabriel Voitcu, Viviane Pierrard, Herve Lamy, Joseph Lemaire, Marius Echim Comments: 23 pages, 6 figures +++++ arXiv:1410.3592 Observations of Photospheric Vortical Motions During the Early Stage of Filament Eruption Sajal Kumar Dhara, B. Ravindra, Ravinder Kumar Banyal Comments: Accepted by Solar Physics 2014 September 02, 22 Pages and 12 figures +++++ arXiv:1410.3641 (cross-list from physics.flu-dyn) Helioseismology in a bottle: modal acoustic velocimetry Santiago Andres Triana, Daniel S. Zimmerman, Henri-Claude Nataf, Aurelien Thorette, Vedran Lekic, Daniel P. Lathrop Comments: Accepted for publication on The New Journal Of Physics +++++ arXiv:1410.4144 The Origin of Non-Maxwellian Solar Wind Electron Velocity Distribution Function: Connection to Nanoflares in the Solar Corona H. Che, M. Goldstein Comments: Accepted by ApjL on 14 Oct +++++ arXiv:1410.4214 The Magnetic Field in the Solar Atmosphere Thomas Wiegelmann, Julia K. Thalmann, Sami K. Solanki Comments: 109 pages, 30 Figures, to be published in A&ARv +++++ arXiv:1410.4493 Three-Year Global Survey of Coronal Null Points from Potential-Field-Source-Surface (PFSS) Modeling and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Observations Michael Freed, Dana Longcope, David McKenize Comments: 25 pages, 11 figures, Accepted to Solar Physics on Oct. 16, 2014 +++++ arXiv:1410.4496 Global Trends of CME Deflections Based on CME and Solar Parameters C. Kay, M. Opher, R. M. Evans Comments: submitted to ApJ +++++ arXiv:1410.4542 Modelling the influence of photospheric turbulence on solar flare statistics M. Mendoza, A. Kaydul, L. de Arcangelis, J. S. Andrade Jr., H. J. Herrmann Comments: 24 pages, 8 figures Journal-ref: Nat. Commun. 5:5035 (2014) +++++ arXiv:1409.6418 (replaced) Coronal Heating Driven by A Magnetic-gradient Pumping Mechanism in Solar Plasmas Baolin Tan Comments: 11 pages, 4 figures, acceptd by ApJ, 2014 +++++ arXiv:1404.3194 (replaced) Intense bipolar structures from stratified helical dynamos Dhrubaditya Mitra, A. Brandenburg, N. Kleeorin, I. Rogachevskii Comments: Published in Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society Journal-ref: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2014 445 (3): 761-769 +++++ arXiv:1410.4933 The Properties of the Tilts of Bipolar Solar Regions E. Illarionov, A. Tlatov, D. Sokoloff +++++ arXiv:1410.5354 Discriminant analysis of solar bright points and faculae II. Contrast and morphology analysis P. Kobel, J. Hirzberger, S. K. Solanki +++++