================== update: 2015-06-09 20150603Wed-20150609Tue +++++++++++++++++++++++ total: 36 2 ApJL 13 ApJ 3 A&A 4 Solphys 14 arXiv +++++++++++++++++++++++ ApJL[2] ======= Solar Prominences: "Double, Double... Boil and Bubble" R. Keppens, C. Xia, and O. Porth +++++ Self-generated Turbulence in Magnetic Reconnection Jeffrey S. Oishi, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, David C. Collins, and Moeko Tamura +++++ ApJ[13] ======= Sunward Propagating Alfven Waves in Association with Sunward Drifting Proton Beams in the Solar Wind Jiansen He, Zhongtian Pei, Linghua Wang, Chuanyi Tu, Eckart Marsch, Lei Zhang, and Chadi Salem +++++ Large Solar Energetic Particle Events Associated with Filament Eruptions Outside of Active Regions N. Gopalswamy, P. Makela, S. Akiyama, S. Yashiro, H. Xie, N. Thakur, and S. W. Kahler +++++ The Fast Filament Eruption Leading to the X-flare on 2014 March 29 Lucia Kleint, Marina Battaglia, Kevin Reardon, Alberto Sainz Dalda, Peter R. Young, and Sam Krucker +++++ An Exact Analytical Solution for the Interstellar Magnetic Field in the Vicinity of the Heliosphere Christian Roken, Jens Kleimann, and Horst Fichtner +++++ Magnetic Untwisting in Solar Jets that Go into the Outer Corona in Polar Coronal Holes Ronald L. Moore, Alphonse C. Sterling, and David A. Falconer +++++ Estimating the Height of CMEs Associated with a Major SEP Event at the Onset of the Metric Type II Radio Burst during Solar Cycles 23 and 24 P. Makela, N. Gopalswamy, S. Akiyama, H. Xie, and S. Yashiro +++++ The Formation of IRIS Diagnostics. IV. The Mg II Triplet Lines as a New Diagnostic for Lower Chromospheric Heating Tiago M. D. Pereira, Mats Carlsson, Bart De Pontieu, and Viggo Hansteen +++++ Attenuation of Coronal Magnetic Fields in Solar Microwave Bursts Guangli Huang, Jianping Li, Qiwu Song, Baolin Tan, Yu Huang, and Zhao Wu +++++ Asymptotic Theory of Solar Wind Electrons Sunjung Kim, Peter H. Yoon, G. S. Choe, and Linghua Wang +++++ Propagation and Dispersion of Sausage Wave Trains in Magnetic Flux Tubes R. Oliver, M. S. Ruderman, and J. Terradas +++++ A Scenario for the Fine Structures of Solar Type IIIb Radio Bursts Based on Electron Cyclotron Maser Emission C. B. Wang +++++ Heating Rate Scaling of Turbulence in the Proton Kinetic Regime Bernard J. Vasquez +++++ A Steady-state Picture of Solar Wind Acceleration and Charge State Composition Derived from a Global Wave-driven MHD Model R. Oran, E. Landi, B. van der Holst, S. T. Lepri, A. M. Vasquez, F. A. Nuevo, R. Frazin, W. Manchester, I. Sokolov, and T. I. Gombosi +++++ A&A[3] ====== Small-scale dynamos on the solar surface: dependence on magnetic Prandtl number I. Thaler and H. C. Spruit +++++ Energy and energy flux in axisymmetric slow and fast waves M. G. Moreels, T. Van Doorsselaere, S. D. T. Grant, D. B. Jess and M. Goossens +++++ Radiative hydrodynamic modelling and observations of the X-class solar flare on 2011 March 9 Michael B. Kennedy, Ryan O. Milligan, Joel C. Allred, Mihalis Mathioudakis and Francis P. Keenan +++++ Solphys[4] ========== He i Vector Magnetic Field Maps of a Sunspot and Its Superpenumbral Fine-Structure T. A. Schad, M. J. Penn, H. Lin, A. Tritschler +++++ Impulsive Heating of Solar Flare Ribbons Above 10 MK P. J. A. Simoes, D. R. Graham, L. Fletcher +++++ Forecast of a Daily Halo CME Occurrence Probability Depending on Class and Area Change of the Associated Sunspot Kangjin Lee, Yong-Jae Moon, Jin-Yi Lee +++++ Automation of Tracking Various Sunspot Group Entities and Demonstrating Its Usage on the Flaring NOAA AR 11429 L. Gyori +++++ arXiv[14] ========= arXiv:1506.00755 Reconstruction of the Sunspot Group Number: the Backbone Method Leif Svalgaard, Kennuth H. Schatten Comments: Contribution to Topical Issue of Solar Physics on "Recalibration of the Sunspot Number", 34 pages, 36 Figures +++++ arXiv:1506.00825 Interplanetary particle transport simulation for warning system for aviation exposure to solar energetic particles Yuki Kubo, Ryuho Kataoka, Tatsuhiko Sato Comments: 23 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Earth, Planets and Space +++++ arXiv:1506.00931 The photospheric solar oxygen project: III. Investigation of the centre-to-limb variation of the 630nm [OI]-NiI blend E. Caffau, H.-G. Ludwig, M. Steffen, W. Livingston, P. Bonifacio, J.-M. Malherbe, H.-P. Doerr, W. Schmidt Comments: to appear in A&A +++++ arXiv:1506.00399 (cross-list from physics.flu-dyn) Destabilization of rotating flows with positive shear by azimuthal magnetic fields Frank Stefani, Oleg N. Kirillov Comments: 4 pages, 4 figure +++++ arXiv:1411.4912 (replaced) Bipolar magnetic spots from dynamos in stratified spherical shell turbulence Sarah Jabbari, Axel Brandenburg, Nathan Kleeorin, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Igor Rogachevskii Comments: 12 pages, 14 figures Journal-ref: ApJ, 805, 166, 2015 June 1 +++++ arXiv:1506.01251 Thermal and non-thermal emission from reconnecting twisted coronal loops R. Pinto, M. Gordovskyy, P.K. Browning, N. Vilmer Comments: (submitted to A&A) +++++ arXiv:1506.01312 Energy release in driven twisted coronal loops M.R. Bareford, M. Gordovskyy, P.K. Browning, A.W. Hood Comments: Submitted to Solar Physics +++++ arXiv:1412.4723 (cross-list from physics.plasm-ph) Energy dynamics and current sheet structure in fluid and kinetic simulations of decaying magnetohydrodynamic turbulence K. D. Makwana, V. Zhdankin, H. Li, W. Daughton, F. Cattaneo Journal-ref: Physics of Plasmas, vol. 22, 042902 (2015) +++++ arXiv:1506.01424 Observation of 2011-02-15 X2.2 flare in Hard X-ray and Microwave Natsuha Kuroda, Haimin Wang, Dale E. Gary Publication Status: ApJ (in press) [also on MSUePrint] +++++ arXiv:1506.01700 Solar coronal plumes and the fast solar wind B.N. Dwivedi, K. Wilhelm Comments: 8 Pages; 3 Figures; To appear in Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy (Special Issue; Eds. V. Fedun, A.K. Srivastava, R. Erdelyi, J.C. Pandey) +++++ arXiv:1506.01423 (cross-list from physics.space-ph) Coronal Partings Igor F. Nikulin Comments: PDF, 10 pages +++++ arXiv:1506.01733 Evolution of Near-surface Flows Inferred from High-resolution Ring-diagram Analysis Richard S. Bogart, Charles S. Baldner, Sarbani Basu Comments: Accepted to ApJ +++++ arXiv:1506.01848 Development of active regions: flows, magnetic-field patterns and bordering effect A. V. Getling, R. Ishikawa, A. A. Buchnev Comments: 15 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1401.8077 +++++ arXiv:1506.02408 The Temporal Behaviour of Lyman-alpha Emission During Solar Flares From SDO/EVE Ryan O. Milligan, Phillip C. Chamberlin Comments: Submitted to A&A Research Notes, 4 pages 4 figures +++++