
Presentation Title: Insights from Solar Orbiter’s first Major Flare Watch
Author(s): Säm Krucker Daniel Ryan Laura Hayes David Berghmans Cis Verbeeck


The Solar Orbiter Major Flare Watch executed around the perihelion in spring 2024 resulted in unprecedented observations of several M class flares with strong non-thermal components detected by Solar Orbiter/STIX. Solar Orbiter EUI/HRI captured these flares with the EUV 174A filter at a very fast time cadence of 2 s. The extremely short exposure time (0.04 s) made it possible avoiding saturation even in the brightest flare kernels. Besides the high time cadence, the HRI images provide information on spatial scales of a few hundred km revealing astonishing details not only from the main flare site, but also remote from the flaring active region. We will present results combining EUV and HXR images with soft X-ray imaging from Hinode/XRT focusing on the flare ribbon evolution. These new observations clearly demonstrate the importance of fast cadence for flare observation making it a key requirement for future space instrumentation.