
Presentation Title: First Results from the Hi-C Flare Sounding Rocket Flight
Author(s): Sabrina Savage, on behalf of the Hi-C Flare team


The Hi-resolution Coronal imager Flare (Hi-C Flare) sounding rocket mission launched on 2024 April 17 from the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska. Hi-C Flare launched within 60s of the Focusing Optics Solar X-ray Imager (FOXSI-4) launch as part of the pioneering solar flare sounding rocket campaign. The two payloads captured observations of an M1.6 flaring event in progress. Hi-C Flare observed the extended phase of the event with a high-resolution, low-noise extreme ultraviolet (12.9 nm) imager and EUV slitless spectrometer combined with soft X- ray imaging and high cadence flux measurements. Previous flights of Hi-C have provided ground-breaking insights into small-scale energetics occurring in the corona. The flare campaign provided the unique opportunity to test Hi-C configured for high-temperature observations along with newly-developed, flare-optimized instrumentation to probe flare energy release. We will present the first results from this payload suite in conjunction with coordinated observations from the companion FOXSI-4 flight.