
Presentation Title: Analysis of Longitudinal Spread of Suprathermal Ions Co-Located with Coronal Mass Ejections
Author(s): Abby High, Rachael J. Filwett, Robert Allen, Maher A. Dayeh, Gang Li.


The ISʘIS instrument onboard the Parker Solar Probe is a vital tool being used to analyze the energies and abundances of solar energetic particles (SEPs) as well as their characteristics and behavior. In this study, we examine hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and iron ions. The dates being studied are Event 2020-335, 2021-148, 2021-325, 2022-266. This investigation, analyzing gradual SEP events, aims to observe the evolution and dynamics of these distinct solar particle events. In addition to the observations from the Parker Solar Probe, the investigation will incorporate data from complementary missions. The ACE Ultra-Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer (ULEIS) instrument and STEREO-A's Suprathermal Ion Telescope (SIT) package will aid in combining data from multiple sources to seek a comprehensive insight into these events. The data acquired from these missions will provide insight into the complex processes governing gradual SEP events. Our focus during this study will be the examination of the time-intensity profiles for these heavy ions, showing their relative intensity and arrival time similarities and disparities. This analysis will highlight the transport and acceleration phenomena experienced by these ions.