
Presentation Title: Coronal abundances in solar active regions and their relationship with underlying chromospheric and transition region properties
Author(s): P. Testa (SAO), J. Martinez-Sykora (BAERI/LMSAL), B. De Pontieu (LMSAL), D. Brooks (GMU)


The element abundances in the solar corona and solar wind are often different from those of the solar photosphere, and the fractionation mechanisms are thought to be intimately tied to the physical processes leading to coronal heating. We have recently applied a new spectral inversion method, developed for the MUSE investigation, to Hinode/EIS spectral observations of active regions to derive maps of coronal abundances, and analyzed coordinated IRIS observations to investigate the footprints of the chemical fractionation in the lower atmosphere. We discuss the interesting correlations we find between coronal abundances and underlying chromospheric and transition region properties.