
Presentation Title: Magnetic Insights and Implications from Hinode
Author(s): James Crowley, Don Schmit, Cooper Downs, Caroline Evans


Over the past few years, a new wave of high-resolution solar telescopes and in-situ observations have revealed complicated and dynamic interactions between the Sun's surface, magnetic field, and the inner heliosphere. To probe these connections, we drive Predictive Science Inc.'s state of the art global MHD simulation with time-dependent lower boundary conditions supplied by high-resolution Hinode/SP vector magnetograms. In this project, I have produced and validated Hinode/SP magetograms and carefully aligned them using HMI magnetograms. I present our process for creating and some interesting findings from the retrieved magetograms, such as the open magnetic flux between Hinode/SP and HMI vector magnetograms. Finally, I present conclusions from the simulated Corona and Solar Wind when driving the MHD model with different resolutions of magnetic boundary conditions.