
Presentation Title: Analysis of Coronal Magnetic Field Topology from High-Resolution Embedded Magnetograms
Author(s): Wen He, and Qiang Hu (presenting author)


High-resolution (up to ~<0.1 arcsec) photospheric vector magnetograms have become increasingly available from Hinode, and more recently the ground-based GST and DKIST observations. We present an approach for the extrapolation of the coronal magnetic field by combining both the (ultra) high-resolution magnetogram and the routine HMI magnetogram for the same event study. This allows for maintaining the native resolutions of both sets of the magnetograms, while achieving a desirable field of view with reasonable computational efficiency. We demonstrate a few event studies for the magnetic field topological analysis associated with multiple observations of pre-flare morphology near a major polarity inversion line in an active region and one small-scale recurring jet.