
Presentation Title: Imaging and Spectroscopic Observations of Hot Plasmas in the Loop-Top Region During a Limb Solar Flare
Author(s): Tingyu Gou, Katharine Reeves


Solar flares are explosive and energetic phenomena in the solar atmosphere accompanied by a rapid release of magnetic energy. Flaring plasmas can be heated up to above 10 MK, forming bright flare loops on the solar surface. We study the dynamics of flare plasmas by focusing on the high-temperature emissions, using high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations. We present results of the investigation on an X-class flare occurring near the east limb, observed by SDO/AIA and IRIS. AIA reveals highest temperatures at the reconnection current sheet region above the flare arcade, where supra-arcade spikes and downflows are observed. IRIS captures the flare loop-top region and detects Fe XXI 1354.08 Å spectral line emissions from the bottom of current sheet and loop top under the slit. Spectral line fittings are performed to diagnose the Doppler motion and nonthermal broadening of hot flare plasmas, at different locations and during different evolution stages. The spectroscopic results are also compared with thermal properties and the thermodynamic evolution of flare loops.