
Presentation Title: The energy transported by compressible magnetoacoustic waves into chromospheric plage regions: dependence on magnetic field properties
Author(s): Shimizu, T. and Koyama, M.


A proposed mechanism for solar chromospheric heating is magnetohydrodynamic waves propagating upward along magnetic field lines and dissipating their energy in the chromosphere. In particular, compressible magnetoacoustic waves may contribute to the heating. Theoretically, the components below the cutoff frequency cannot propagate into the chromosphere; however, the cutoff frequency depends on the inclination of the magnetic field lines. Using high-temporal cadence spectral data of IRIS and Hinode Solar Optical Telescope spectropolarimeter in solar plages (IHOP 341), we investigated the dependence of the low-frequency waves on magnetic field properties and quantitatively estimated the amount of energy dissipation in the chromosphere. The following results were obtained: (a) The amount of energy dissipated by the low-frequency component (3–6 mHz) increases with the inclination of the field below 40 deg, whereas it decreases as a function of the inclination of the field above 40 deg. (b) The amount of the energy is enhanced toward 10^4 W/m^2, which is the energy required for heating in the chromospheric plage regions when the magnetic field is higher than 600 G and inclined more than 40 deg. (c) In the photosphere, the low-frequency component has much more power in the magnetic field inclined more and weaker than 400 G. The results suggest that the observed low-frequency components can bring the energy along the magnetic field lines and that only a specific range of the inclination angles of the field and the strength of the field may allow the low-frequency component to bring a sufficient amount of the energy into the chromosphere. This presentation is based on the article published recently in the Astrophysical Journal (Koyama & Shimizu 2024, ApJ 965, 136).