
Presentation Title: ECCCO: The EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observatory
Author(s): Kathy Reeves, Dan Seaton, Leon Golub, Peter Cheimets, Ed DeLuca, Craig DeForest, Giulio Del Zanna, Cooper Downs, Nishu Karna, Wei Liu, Chad Madsen, Chris Moore, Athiray Panchapakesan, Joe Plowman, Yeimy Rivera, Jenna Samra, Sabrina Savage, Paola Testa, Matt West, Amy Winebarger


The EUV corona is highly structured and dynamic out to ~3Rs, but observations in this region are limited. To fill this gap, we introduce The EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observatory (ECCCO), which will be proposed for the upcoming NASA Heliophysics SMEX call. ECCCO consists of two instruments: an imager that views the Sun out to 3 Rs and a spectrograph that produces spectrally pure, overlapped images of the Sun (overlappograms). Both instruments will have two channels, a long channel ranging from 171 — 205 A to capture plasma in the 1-2.5 MK range, and a short channel ranging from 125 — 135 A to capture hot plasma in the 8-12 MK range. The science goals of ECCCO are two-fold: 1. To understand the genesis and evolution of coronal energy storage and the solar wind, and 2. To understand the symbiotic relationship between eruptive solar events and large scale coronal structure.