
Presentation Title: Simulating a detector's response to solar flare polarization - Geant4 and the PADRE mission
Author(s): Patrick Dunn, Pascale Sainte-Hilaire, Juan Carlos Martinez, and the PADRE Team


Geant4 simulations were used to assist in the design (geometry and shielding) of the SHARP (Solar HARd X-ray Polarimeter) instrument of the PADRE (solar PolArization and Directivity X-Ray Experiment) mission. SHARP will determine the degree of polarization of solar flare non-thermal X-rays. Calculations resulting from the simulations include valuable characteristics of the detector such as effective area and mu100. We also determined the overall detector response (geometric factor) to photons, electrons, and protons at a range of energies. Validation of the simulations included comparisons with scattering theory, mainly using the Klein-Nishina formula; this formula gives the theoretical distribution of the scattering angle of photons scattered from a single electron.