
Presentation Title: XRTpy: A Comprehensive Python Solution for Analyzing Hinode X-Ray Telescope Data
Author(s): Joy Velasquez, Katharine Reeves, Nicholas Murphy, Jonathan Slavin, Mark Weber


XRTpy is a Python package specifically developed for the analysis of observations from the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on the Hinode solar spacecraft, a key instrument for studying solar dynamics and phenomena through high-resolution soft X-ray images. This package provides comprehensive tools for XRT data analysis, including object-oriented representation of instrument configurations, effective area calculations, temperature response computations, light leak subtraction, and image sharpening. It also facilitates the derivation of electron temperature and emission measure, offering various abundance model options. Additionally, XRTpy includes snippet code functions for quick access to data, with filtering options and tools for working with image and movie files. As an open-source tool, XRTpy supports a growing community of users, enhancing the transition from traditional IDL routines to Python, which is increasingly preferred in the scientific community. By streamlining data processing, XRTpy has proven essential in several key research projects, furthering our understanding of solar activities.