
Presentation Title: Calibration Methods and Data Products for Hinode’s X-Ray Telescope (XRT)
Author(s): L. Guliano, K. Reeves, P. Testa, S. Saar, J. Velasquez, C. Suarez, A. Takeda, K. Yoshimura, R. Fleming


Hinode's X-Ray Telescope (XRT) has been collecting X-ray solar data since 2006. Since launch, XRT's calibration team has employed a series of data calibration techniques to ensure that data products released to the public are of high scientific quality. These calibration methods have been modified and improved over the lifetime of the mission to reflect the changing conditions of the instrument hardware. Techniques addressed here include work on the temperature response function, contamination sources including dust maps, and scattered light analysis and intensity variations due to a stray light leak. This poster summarizes modifications and improvements to the methodology used in the calibration processes of XRT data and confirms the continued integrity of XRT data products.