
Presentation Title: Multi-instrument DEMs and the EMToolKit framework for DEMs in Python
Author(s): Joseph Plowman, Gilly Gilbert


We will present new work that allows seamless multi-instrument DEMs in Python, which can be done with, for example Hinode XRT and SDO/AIA simultaneously, compromising neither the spatial resolution of AIA or the extended temperature coverage of XRT. The method uses sparse matrix to take into account the differing sampling resolution of the instruments and can even correct for instrument PSFs in the same step. The same methodology can also be applied to even more heterogeneous observations such as AIA together with RHESSI or Solar Orbiter STIX. This new methodology, along with established DEM methods is integrated with our Python EMToolKit DEM analysis and visualization framework (https://github.com/jeplowman/EMToolKit) which we will also demonstrate. Some of these new developments have interesting parallels with work in coronal 3D reconstruction which we may touch on if time allows.