
Presentation Title: The COOL-AID Experiment on the Hi-C Flare Mission
Author(s):Sabrina Savage, Hi-C Team


The High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) Flare sounding rocket was launched during an M1.6 solar flare on April 17, 2024. Along with the primary Hi-C telescope, re-coated with a narrowband coating around 129 Angstroms, the payload carried the COronal OverLapogram - Ancillary Imaging Diagnostics (COOL- AID) instrument. COOL- AID is a slitless spectrograph centered around the 129 Angstrom wavelength range to capture the Fe XXI 128.5 spectral line in first order. COOL-AID successfully observed the flare and, for the first time, captured spectrally pure data of the Fe XXI with a cadence of 1.3 s. This poster will show the optical design of COOL-AID and a preliminary analysis of the data. This instrument is a successful prototype for the spectrographs on the proposed ECCCO mission.