Oral Presentations

July 23, 2024

Chair : Lindsay Fletcher
V04 16:00 Daniel Ryan3D evolution of solar flare via X-rays
C15 16:20 Joel AllredFirst Steps in Comprehensive Flare Modeling
C16 16:35 Tingyu GouAn intense long-duration confined flare observed by Hinode, IRIS, and SDO
C17 16:50 Ivan OparinDoes the tip of the cusp in candle-flame-shaped flares trace the bottom of the reconnection current sheet?
C18 17:05 Kouhei TeraokaObservational Comparison of Coronal Magnetic Field Parameters Between Confined and Eruptive Flares in the Similar MFR Configuration
C19 17:20 Chunming ZhuGenesis of a Confined X6.4 Flare in a Quadrupolar Magnetic Configuration

Invited talks are highlighted in light yellow.