ID | Time | Presenter | Title |
C45 | 13:30 | Ramada Sukarmadji | Nanojets as pointers to the flare energy release process |
C46 | 13:45 | Kristopher Cooper | Detecting thermal and non-thermal emission in solar microflares using nested sampling |
C47 | 14:00 | Hidetaka Kuniyoshi | Small-scale coronal EUV brightening produced by a magnetic tornado |
C48 | 14:15 | Sanjiv Tiwari | Solar Orbiter/EUI Observations and a Bifrost MHD Simulation of Fine-scale Bright Dots in Emerging Flux Regions |
C49 | 14:30 | Sam Krucker | Insights from Solar Orbiter |
C50 | 14:45 | Michalina Litwicka | Investigation of co-temporal IRIS and SolO/STIX observations of the solar flare. |
Invited talks are highlighted in light yellow.