
Presentation Title: Small-scale eruptive phenomena in active region NOAA 12585
Author(s): Salvo Guglielmino, Mariarita Murabito, Vincenzo Andretta, Fabiana Ferrente, Serena Lezzi, Daniele Spadaro, Paolo Romano, Ilaria Ermolli


Observations from the IRIS satellite have revealed small-scale eruptive phenomena, characterized by a significant increase in integrated line intensity (up to a factor of 100-1000 in Si IV lines) and line width (reaching up to ±100 km/s). These spectral signatures are indicative of local heating and bi-directional plasma flows likely stemming from magnetic reconnection between opposite polarity patches at the photospheric level. Some of these events exhibit bright counterparts across all SDO/AIA channels.

In this study, we document a series of similar events observed during secondary flux emergence in an arch filament system and between moving magnetic features within active region NOAA 12585. High-resolution observations from SST/CRISP shed light on the photosphere and chromosphere, allowing for the characterization of magnetic field configuration and phenomena within the lower atmosphere. IRIS and SDO/AIA observations unveil the atmospheric response to magnetic flux dynamics and the presence of heating and plasma ejection activity in the upper atmosphere.

These scientific findings are compared to state-of-the-art numerical simulations of flux emergence and recent observations from remote-sensing instruments aboard Solar Orbiter, which corroborate a similar scenario. Additionally, they serve as an ideal platform for future observations by MUSE and SOLAR-C, highlighting the complementary capabilities of spectropolarimetric high-resolution observations in a multi-instrument analysis.