
Presentation Title: Multifluid and Kinetic 2D and 3D Simulations of Chromospheric Turbulence and Heating Due to the Thermal Farley-Buneman Instability
Author(s): Samuel Evans, Meers Oppenheim, Juan Martínez-Sykora, Yakov Dimant


Models fail to reproduce observations of the coldest regions in the Sun's atmosphere, where interactions between multiple ionized and neutral species prevent an accurate MHD representation. A meter-scale electrostatic plasma instability develops in these regions, causing turbulence and heating. We refer to this instability as the Thermal Farley–Buneman Instability (TFBI). Here, we determine how TFBI turbulence and heating depend on simulation scheme, across multifluid 2D, kinetic 2D, and kinetic 3D simulations. This includes the first ever 3D simulations of the TFBI. These results will be crucial to future work aiming to quantify the TFBI contribution to discrepancies between observations and radiative MHD models, across the entire range of parameters in the solar chromosphere.