
Presentation Title: Thermal diagnostics on an M-flare observed with Hinode/XRT, SDO/AIA, and MinXSS-1
Author(s): Xiaoyan Xie, Anna Chen, Crisel Suarez, Katharine K. Reeves, Soumya Roy, Nishu Karna, Joy Velasquez, and Christopher S. Moore


On July 21, 2016, the X-ray Telescope (XRT) aboard Hinode, Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), and the Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS-1) CubeSat mission observed an M1.0 flare on the western limb of the Sun. The analysis of the flare from disk-integrated solar spectra of MinXSS-1 (Suarez & Moore 2023) shows an anomalous abundance evolution. In contrast to the usual abundance evolution consistent with the chromospheric evaporation model, where the elemental abundances are depleted from coronal toward photospheric values during the flare peaks in the events that are analyzed, the elemental abundances of this flare are near photospheric levels in the impulsive phase and reach coronal levels around the flare peak. By taking advantage of the spatial resolution abilities provided by XRT and AIA, we speculate that the coronal levels of the elemental abundances around the flare peak originate from a hot flux rope. Through the analysis of the differential emission measure (DEM) from AIA and XRT data, we present the thermal evolution of the flare with spatial resolution. The temperature and emission measure (EM) from the DEM are consistent with the values in Suarez & Moore (2023) that were derived from MinXSS-1 spectra. Finally, we discuss the improvements in thermal diagnostics by combining XRT with AIA channels and employing the appropriate abundance assumptions based on the elemental abundances determined by the spectra of MinXSS-1 for this flare.