
Presentation Title: First Steps in Comprehensive Flare Modeling
Author(s): Joel Allred, Joel Dahlin, Rick DeVore, Silvina Guidoni, Judy Karpen, Graham Kerr, Marc Swisdak, and Valeriy Tenishev


Dominant processes occurring during solar flares range from global scale restructuring of magnetic field to particle acceleration and transport at the kinetic scale, some ten orders of magnitude smaller. Currently, no single model can resolve such disparate scales. Instead, distinct models have been developed, each tackling only some aspects of a complete solar flare. Here, we report on progress in developing a new composite flare model, which chains outputs from several well-tested codes. These were chosen to cover the range of physical processes dominating flares. The ARMS MHD code predicts the evolution of the global magnetic field and arcade structure and provides the conditions in which particles are accelerated. Particle acceleration is modeled kinematically by the AMPS code. The hybrid fluid/particle kglobal code is used to simulate self-consistently the dynamic interplay between the MHD fluid and the accelerated nonthermal particles. We trace field lines in the ARMS arcade simulation and inject accelerated particles at looptops. Particle transport and the radiative-hydrodynamic response to these are modeled using the RADYN+FP code. We show the radiation predicted by our composite simulation with particular emphasis on X-rays and emission in the IRIS and Hinode bandpasses.