
Presentation Title: The early results of ASO-S/HXI
Author(s): Yang Su et al.


The Hard X-ray Imager (HXI) on board the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S) has observed more than 500 solar X-ray bursts in the energy range of ~15-300 keV, with a spatial resolution as high as 3.1 arcsec and a time resolution as high as 0.125 s in burst mode. The reconstructed images reveal interesting features of hard X-ray sources in flares. In this talk, a brief introduction on HXI will be presented first, followed by some early results, including (1) origin of flare QPPs revealed by detailed HXR source motions; (2) the possible coronal origin of flare-related SEP electron event revealed by joint observations of HXI, Solar Orbiter/STIX, and WIND; (3) new details of acceleration process in flares HXR fine structures above the looptop; (4) 3D HXR imaging with HXI and STIX. More related studies will also be briefly introduced.