
Presentation Title: Probing Energetic Electrons in Solar Flares with Radio Observations
Author(s): Sijie Yu


Radio emissions offer a unique window into the dynamics of non-thermal electrons accelerated during solar flares. These emissions, generated through coherent and incoherent mechanisms, serve as comprehensive probes into energy release, particle acceleration, and transport within flares. Recent advancements in solar radio observation techniques, transitioning from traditional imaging at limited spectral channels or total-power dynamic spectroscopy towards dynamic imaging spectroscopy, have been spurred by the arrival of new instruments. Notable developments include the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (EOVSA) and the upgraded Very Large Array (VLA), among others. In conjunction with X-ray imaging spectroscopic data from the RHESSI and SolO/STIX, these radio observations have yielded new insights into flare physics. This presentation will highlight the recent results from radio observations in probing energetic electrons in solar flares, and discuss future scientific opportunities/challenges in radio observations.