Oral Presentations

July 23, 2024

Session 1

Chair : David McKenzie
V01 08:30 Piyali ChatterjeeInsights into the nature and dynamics of solar spicules
C01 08:50 Kyuhyoun ChoRelation between non-thermal broadening and magnetic field inclination at the transition region.
C02 09:05 Salvo GuglielminoSmall-scale eruptive phenomena in active region NOAA 12585
C03 09:20 Juan Martinez-SykoraSmall-scale turbulence can heat the solar chromosphere in plage regions.
C04 09:35 Samuel EvansMultifluid and Kinetic 2D and 3D Simulations of Chromospheric Turbulence and Heating Due to the Thermal Farley-Buneman Instability
C05 09:50 Akiko TeiComparison of coronal hole and quiet Sun chromosphere using IRIS Mg II h & k observations of polar off-limb regions

Session 2

Chair : Lucia Kleint
V02 11:00 Adam KowalskiNear-Ultraviolet Spectra of Stellar Flares: First Results from Hubble Space Telescope Treasury Program "Fulcrum"
C06 11:20 Shin ToriumiStatus and future of the atmospheric heating studies for the Sun and sun-like stars
C07 11:35 Takato OtsuSun-as-a-star Analysis of the X1.6 Flare on 2023 August 5: Dynamics of Post-flare Loops in Spatially Integrated Observational Data
C08 11:50 Crisel SuarezSolar Flares X-ray Irradiance Observations from the Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS) CubeSats
C09 12:05 Xiaoyan XieThermal diagnostics on an M-flare observed with Hinode/XRT, SDO/AIA, and MinXSS-1

Session 3

Chair : Lucas Tarr
V03 13:30 Maria KazachenkoSolar Magnetic Fields Before and During Eruptions
C10 13:50 Zhiyu YinModeling Electron and Proton Acceleration in Macroscale Magnetic Reconnection
C11 14:05 Bin ChenEnergetic Electrons Accelerated and Trapped in a Magnetic Bottle above a Solar Flare Arcade
C12 14:20 Joel DahlinDecoding Three-Dimensional Reconnection Dynamics in Flare Ribbons
C13 14:35 Viggo HansteenSmall and large scale episodic events in smaller and larger scale numerical simulations spanning the convection zone to the corona.
C14 14:50 Drake OsabenModeling the Shear Evolution of Post-Reconnection Flare Loops

Session 4

Chair : Lindsay Fletcher
V04 16:00 Daniel Ryan3D evolution of solar flare via X-rays
C15 16:20 Joel AllredFirst Steps in Comprehensive Flare Modeling
C16 16:35 Tingyu GouAn intense long-duration confined flare observed by Hinode, IRIS, and SDO
C17 16:50 Ivan OparinDoes the tip of the cusp in candle-flame-shaped flares trace the bottom of the reconnection current sheet?
C18 17:05 Kouhei TeraokaObservational Comparison of Coronal Magnetic Field Parameters Between Confined and Eruptive Flares in the Similar MFR Configuration
C19 17:20 Chunming ZhuGenesis of a Confined X6.4 Flare in a Quadrupolar Magnetic Configuration

July 24, 2024

Session 5

Chair : Jiong Qiu
V05 08:30 Karin DissauerUnveiling the uniqueness of solar flare precursors - do pre-event conditions of the upper solar atmosphere differ for flaring vs. non-flaring active regions?
C20 08:50 Jonas ZbindenIs the Mg II triplet emission a distinct flare precursor?
C21 09:05 Lindsay GlesenerThe First Solar Flare Rocket Campaign
V06 09:20 Ryan MilliganThe Max Millennium Program of Solar Flare Research
C22 09:40 Shane MaloneyFlare Forecasting and SolarMonitor 2
C23 09:55 Marianne PetersonHow Do We Know When to Launch? Statistical Basis for Sounding Rocket Flare Triggers

Session 6

Chair : Paola Testa
V07 11:00 Jessie DuncanCharacterizing Hot Plasma in Solar Active Regions via HXR Differential Emission Measure Analysis
V08 11:20 Teia MihailescuPlasma Composition and Wave Activity in a Solar Active Region
C24 11:40 James McKevittFull Sun Spectral Analysis of Hinode/EIS data using Machine Learning
C25 11:55 Andy S.H. ToIdentifying Plasma Fractionation Processes in the Chromosphere Using IRIS
C26 12:10 NATALIA ZAMBRANA PRADOConnecting the Sun and the Heliosphere through the FIP effect

Session 7

Chair : Adam Kobelski
V09 13:30 David BrooksSpectroscopic Observations of Coronal Rain Formation and Evolution Following an X2 Solar Flare
C27 13:50 Luke McMullanDeepFiltering: Utilising the Power of Generative Networks to Produce Quality Images of Coronal Rain
C28 14:05 Patrick AntolinCool and hot emission disambiguation in instrument passbands
C29 14:20 Seray SahinFrom Chromospheric Evaporation to Coronal Rain: An Investigation of the Mass and Energy Cycle of a Flare
C30 14:35 Dana LongcopeCharacterizing Chromospheric Condensation with High-cadence Si~{\sc IV} Observations from IRIS
C31 14:50 Ryan FrenchSpectroscopic Observations of Supra-Arcade Downflows (SADs)

Session 8

Chair : Kathy Reeves
V10 16:00 Sijie YuProbing Energetic Electrons in Solar Flares with Radio Observations
C32 16:20 Xingyao ChenJoint metric, microwave, and hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy observations of the 2023 December 31 X5 Flare
C33 16:35 Natalia BajnokovaDifferent X-ray views of solar flares with NuSTAR and Solar Orbiter/STIX
C34 16:50 Yuqian WeiJoint Microwave and X-ray Observations of Supra-Arcade Downflows Impacting the Loop-Top and Above-Loop-Top Regions
C35 17:05 Meiqi WangEnergy-Dependent Ejection in an Impulsive Solar Energetic Electron Event associated with an X-class Flare

July 25, 2024

Session 9

Chair : Dana Longcope
V11 08:30 Tomoko KawateStudy on non-Maxwellian Electron Velocity Distribution in Laboratory Plasmas via high-resolution spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry
C36 08:50 Meriem AlaouiHow much return current electric field mirroring occurs in solar flares?
C37 09:05 Gordon EmslieEvaluating the level of turbulence in the flaring transition region from IRIS spectral line observations
C38 09:20 Mitsuo OkaEvolution and effect of pre-existing non-thermal (PENT) particles in magnetic reconnection
C39 09:05 Alberto Sainz DaldaHow significant is the role of turbulent motions in causing flares?
C40 09:50 Jeongbhin SeoAcceleration of Non-Thermal Electrons in Solar Flares

Session 10

Chair : David Williams
V12 11:00 Lakshmi Pradeep ChittaMultifaceted puzzles of the solar atmosphere in the era of high-resolution observations
C41 11:20 Roy SmartInverting ESIS Observations of the Solar Transition Region using Convolutional Neural Networks
C42 11:35 Will BarnesHow does the heating frequency on elemental strands change as a function of active region age?
C43 11:50 Souvik BoseChromospheric and coronal heating in an active region plage by dissipation of currents from braiding
C44 12:05 Alphonse SterlingSolar Active Region Coronal Jets: Hidden-onset Jets

Session 11

Chair : Graham Kerr
C45 13:30 Ramada SukarmadjiNanojets as pointers to the flare energy release process
C46 13:45 Kristopher CooperDetecting thermal and non-thermal emission in solar microflares using nested sampling
C47 14:00 Hidetaka KuniyoshiSmall-scale coronal EUV brightening produced by a magnetic tornado
C48 14:15 Sanjiv TiwariSolar Orbiter/EUI Observations and a Bifrost MHD Simulation of Fine-scale Bright Dots in Emerging Flux Regions
C49 14:30 Sam KruckerInsights from Solar Orbiter
C50 14:45 Michalina LitwickaInvestigation of co-temporal IRIS and SolO/STIX observations of the solar flare.

Session 12

Chair : Chris Lowder
V13 16:00 Haruhisa IijimaLinking solar magneto-convection and interplanetary space in realistic MHD simulations
C51 16:20 Minami YoshidaEvolution of the open flux extended from the sunspot groups during solar maximum
C52 16:35 Roger ScottSimulation of Thermal Nonequilibrium Cycles in the Solar Wind
C53 16:20 James DrakeInterchange magnetic reconnection as the driver of the fast

July 26, 2024

Session 13

Chair : Kathy Reeves
V14 08:30 Hisashi HayakawaArchival Investigations for the Extremity of the Solar Eruptions in the Past: Case Studies
V15 08:50 Ying LiThe White-light Flares Observed by ASO-S/LST/WST, CHASE, and IRIS
C54 09:10 Harry GreatorexObservational Analysis of Lyman-alpha Emission in Equivalent Magnitude Solar Flares
C55 09:25 Pranjali SharmaStatistical study to classify the occurrence of Balmer continuum enhancements in white light flares
C56 09:40 De-Chao SongSpectral Observations and Modeling of a Solar White-light Flare Observed by CHASE
C57 09:55 Peter YoungThe Temperature and Density of a Solar Flare Kernel Measured from Extreme Ultraviolet Lines of O IV

Session 14

Chair : Shin Toriumi
V16 11:00 Daikou ShiotaHinode observation of long-term variation of magnetic fields in the Sun
C58 11:20 Nariaki NittaThe Behavior of the Magnetic Field in Sun's High-latitude Regions
C59 11:35 Kai YangA New Disambiguation Method Based on Physics-Informed Machine Learning
C60 11:50 Tetsu AnanMagnetic and electric field structures at the X point of an Ellerman bomb II
C61 12:05 Harsh MathurUnraveling the stratification of the chromospheric magnetic field using the Hα line

Session 15

Chair : Vanessa Polito
V17 13:30 Juraj LorincikHigh-cadence IRIS solar flare imaging and spectroscopy: recent advances and open questions
C62 13:50 Spencer RileyIdentification of chromospheric dynamical signatures in solar flares with the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
C63 14:05 William AshfieldA Multi-wavelength Investigation of Quasi-periodic Pulsations an M4.2 Flare: Insights from High-Cadence and High-Resolution Observations
C64 14:20 Sargam MulayInvestigation of Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in solar flares
C65 14:35 Yang SuThe early results of ASO-S/HXI

Session 16

Chair : Harry Warren
V18 16:00 Noriyuki NarukageInitial results of solar flare observing sounding rocket FOXSI-4
C66 16:15 Sabrina SavageFirst Results from the Hi-C Flare Sounding Rocket Flight
C67 16:30 Amir CaspiThe CubeSat Imaging X-ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS): science and current status of implementation for a new mission to understand heating of coronal plasma
V19 16:45 Hirohisa HaraThe SOLAR-C Mission: a progress report of the design and development
V20 17:00 Gianna CauzziThe Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope: update and first results
V21 17:15 Bart De PontieuStatus of MUSE

Invited talks are highlighted in light yellow.