Poster Presentations

P01 Abby HighAnalysis of Longitudinal Spread of Suprathermal Ions Co-Located with Coronal Mass Ejections
P02 Akie MoritsukaBisector velocities of the photospheric line near the limb observed with Hinode SOT/SP
P03 Kathy ReevesXRT Mission-Long Flare Statistics
P04 Iain HannahRevisiting the RHESSI X-ray Microflare Statistics
P05 Paola Testa Coronal abundances in solar active regions and their relationship with underlying chromospheric and transition region properties
P06 Andy S.H. ToUnderstanding Elemental Composition Across Solar Atmospheric Layers
P07 Bart De PontieuAn optically thin view of the solar chromosphere. IRIS observations of the O I 1355 spectral line
P08 Changxue ChenHard X-ray imaging of slipping reconnection and quasi-periodic pulsations in a solar flare
P09 Juliana VieveringInvestigating Energy Release During a Quiescent Region Hard X-ray Flare Observed by RHESSI
P10 Daniela LacatusEvolution of Spectroscopic Characteristics of Solar Filaments
P11 De-Chao SongAn Observational Study of the Relationship between H I Lyα and Hα/He II λ304 in an M2.0 Solar Flare
P12 Graham KerrExploring the effects of deep heating of the solar chromosphere during flares
P13 Harry GreatorexExamining the Driver of High Contrast Lyman-alpha Emission in Solar Flares using Spectroscopic Observations from RHESSI and Fermi.
P14 Wensi WangObservations of photospheric signatures for pre-eruptive coronal structures
P15 Hugh HudsonHOPE Properties and Implications
P16 Iain HannahNuSTAR observations of quiet Sun phenomena
P17 Samer Alnussirat Impulsive solar flare observations conducted by Parker Solar Probe
P18 Isabella KrausInvestigating Coronal Bright Points: Statistical Analysis and 3D MHD Simulation with Hinode and SDO
P19 Mitsuo OkaMaximum Attainable Energy of Particles in Solar Flares
P20 James CrowleyMagnetic Insights and Implications from Hinode
P21 Jiayi LiuWhat Can DKIST/DL-NIRSP Tell Us About Quiet-Sun Magnetism?
P22 Jiong QiuTracking Magnetic Structures That Are Reconnecting or Expanding or Both
P23 Lucas TarrA comparison of electric currents from a flux emergence MHD simulation and as reconstructed using a nonlinear force free field extrapolation
P24 Lyndsay FLETCHERPrecise timing of solar flare footpoint sources from mid-infrared observations
P25 Marcel Corchado-AlbeloSpatial Complexity of Flare Ribbon Boundaries
P26 Meers OppenheimGrowth, Saturation and Effects of the Thermal Farley Buneman Instability in the Coldest Region of the Chromosphere
P27 Meriem AlaouiConstraints on solar flare accelerated electrons and their associated return current
P28 Milan GosicGlobal impact of emerging internetwork fields on the low solar atmosphere
P29 Ryan FrenchDoppler signature of a possible termination shock in an off-limb solar flare
P30 Navdeep K. PanesarThe Magnetic Origin of Solar Coronal Jets and Campfires: SDO and Solar Orbiter Observations
P31 Sophie MussetWhat are the properties of energetic electrons associated with solar jets?
P32 Qiang HuAnalysis of Coronal Magnetic Field Topology from High-Resolution Embedded Magnetograms
P33 Rahul YadavHigh-resolution Spectropolarimetric Observation of a C-class Flare Observed by DKIST/ViSP
P34 Tingyu GouImaging and Spectroscopic Observations of Hot Plasmas in the Loop-Top Region During a Limb Solar Flare
P35 Salvo GuglielminoEnergy release phenomena observed at high-resolution with GREGOR and IRIS
P36 Shane AtwoodUnresolved Fine Structure and the Conductive Transition Region
P37 Shin ToriumiClose interaction of turbulent convection and magnetic twist in sunspot formation and flare eruptions
P38 Xu YangGST High-cadence Observations to Solar Lower Atmosphere Energy Release
P39 Souvik BoseOn the million-degree signature of spicules
P40 Toshifumi ShimizuThe energy transported by compressible magnetoacoustic waves into chromospheric plage regions: dependence on magnetic field properties
P41 Vanessa PolitoObservations of AR outflows with IRIS, Hinode/EIS and VLA
P42 Ying LiThe Chinese ASO-S and CHASE Missions and the Maximum Millennium Program
P43 Alan HsuA Probabilistic Calibration Procedure for the CORSAIR Polarimeter
P44 Juan Martinez-SykoraBeyond density diagnostics: combining O IV 1399, 1401, Si IV
P45 Neal HurlburtRecent enhancements to the Heliophysics Event Knowledgeable
P46 Rhiannon FlemingUnderstanding the Student Impacts of A Solar Physics/Astrophysics Research Experience for Undergraduates
P47 Amir CaspiChasing the 2024 eclipse: results from coordinated ground and airborne missions -- Citizen CATE 2024 and NASA
P48 Albert ShihThe Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
P49 Yukio KatsukawaSUNRISE III SCIP: a balloon spectro-polarimeter for seamless diagnostics of photo- and chromospheres
P50 William SetterbergThe Integrating Miniature Piggyback for Impulsive Solar Hard X-rays (IMPISH): a Low-Cost Spectrometer for the GRIPS-2 Balloon Campaign
P51 Pascal Saint-HilaireThe GRIPS Imaging Concept
P52 Christopher MooreSpectral Soft X-ray Measurement Improvements of the three Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS-1, -2, -3) CubeSats and New Instrumentation to Open New Parameter Space
P53 Christopher EntzelBUBO: the student-Built Ultraviolet solar Burst Observer
P54 Daniela LacatusCMEx: Chromospheric Magnetism Explorer
P55 Sarah MatthewsEUV Image Slicers for Solar Physics
P56 Jacob ParkerESIS (EUV Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph) II
P57 Kathy ReevesECCCO: The EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observatory
P58 Patrick DunnSimulating a detector's response to solar flare polarization - Geant4 and the PADRE mission
P59 Soumyaranjan DashApplication of Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation Technique to Infer the Surface Flows with Surface Flux Transport model
P60 Alisdair DaveyVSO 2.0: A VSO Towards Easier Data Source Collaboration and Many Other Improvements
P61 William SetterbergSunkit-spex: A High-energy Spectral Analysis Tool in Python
P62 Shane Maloneystixpy: STIX data analysis in python
P63 Joy VelasquezXRTpy: A Comprehensive Python Solution for Analyzing Hinode X-Ray Telescope Data
P64 Lucas GulianoCalibration Methods and Data Products for Hinode
P65 Robert JarolimAdvancing solar magnetic field extrapolations with physics-informed neural networks
P66 Robert JarolimPhysics Informed Neural Networks for Spectropolarimetric Inversions
P67 Joseph PlowmanMulti-instrument DEMs and the EMToolKit framework for DEMs in Python
P68 Bin ChenOwens Valley Solar Arrays: An Integrated Community Facility for Solar and Space Weather Research
P69 Juliana VieveringReal-Time Early Flare Alert System for Triggered Observations
P70 Kristopher CooperThe FOXSI-4 instrument
P71 Yixian ZhangScientific predictions for FOXSI-4 and comparison with observed data
P72 Shunsaku NagasawaFirst Direct Focusing Hard X-ray Imaging of M-Class Solar Flare from FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket Experiment
P73 Shunsaku NagasawaWide-gap CdTe Double-Sided Strip Detectors for High-Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy of Solar Flares in Hard X-rays for FOXSI-4
P74 Sarah PawlowskiCAPRI-SUN: High Cadence Low-energy Passband X-ray Detector with Integrated Full-sun Field of View
P75 Christopher MooreProjected Performance of the Swift Solar Activity X-ray Imager (SSAXI-Rocket) for the Hi-C Flare Rocket
P76 Sabrina SavageThe COOL-AID Experiment on the Hi-C Flare Mission
P77 Philip KlaassenModelling the Creation of Switchbacks from Interchange Reconnection
P78 Kelvin ScheurerRelationship Between X-ray Luminosity and Magnetic Flux of Active Regions and X-ray Bright Points
P79 Allison SnyderAnalyzing and Modeling Shear of Post-Reconnection Flare Loops
P80 Simon ShepardQuantifying the Heating Energy in Individual Post-Reconnection Flare Loops