Dear All,


I just wanted to make a second announcement on behalf of the Coronal Loops Workshops Steering Committee. Letters of Intent to submit a proposal to host the 8th Coronal Loops Workshop are due on May 13th and full proposals on June 3rd.


All the best,





From: Stephen Bradshaw []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 12:49 PM
To: ''
Subject: Invitation for proposals to host the 8th Solar Coronal Loops Workshop



Dear Colleagues,


The Coronal Loops Workshop series, inaugurated in Paris (2002), has been tremendously successful in bringing together researchers from all over the world to discuss current problems related to the physics of closed magnetic structures in the solar corona, and to present their progress toward solving them. The Workshops have also provided an excellent forum for young researchers to participate in discussions and to showcase their work.


The Steering Committee for the Coronal Loops Workshops now invites proposals to host the 8th Workshop in the series, which will be convened in 2017.


Letters of intent to submit a proposal are due on May 13th and full proposals on June 3rd.


Proposals should be no more than 3 pages in length and must include:


·         A description of the proposed location (including accessibility from major transport hubs).

·         The preferred dates, avoiding conflicts with other major community meetings in 2017.

(e.g. EGU [Apr. 23-28]; Hinode/IRIS [May 30-Jun. 2]; AOGS [Aug. 6-11]; AAS/SPD [Aug. 21-26]; ESPM-15 [Sept.])

·         A description of the venue, meeting room, and facilities.

·         An overview of the local accommodation and dining options.

·         Transport between the accommodation and the workshop venue (e.g. a walk, bus ride, etc).

·         An estimate of the total cost of the workshop.

·         An estimate of the registration fee (assuming 60 participants).

·         Who will Chair the SOC/LOC?

·         Any other comments that you think would be helpful to the Steering Committee in support of your proposal.


Please send letters of intent, full proposals, and requests for a copy of the Workshop Guidelines, to Steve Bradshaw (Steering Committee Chair:


With best wishes,


Steve Bradshaw

(on behalf of the Coronal Loops Workshops Steering Committee)



Dr. Stephen J. Bradshaw

(Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy)


Department of Physics and Astronomy, MS 108,

Rice University,

6100 Main Street,


TX 77005,



Tel: +1 713 348 4045
