Dear all,

Thank you very much for actively participating in the loops workshops over the years. The last workshop in Paris was the 10th in the series.

As you know, there is a Steering Committee for Loops consisting of 9 members who serve a staggered 6-year term. Every three years, there are three outgoing members, meaning we have to elect three new members to the committee. 

The three outgoing members are: 
1. Philippa Browning
2. Ineke De Moortel
3. Giulio Del Zanna

A big thanks to them for their role in the SC.

I would like to invite nominations, including self-nominations, for the three vacant positions on the steering committee.

May I request you to send me the nominations by August 10th at 

If you would like to know who has served as a steering committee member in the past years, please look at the attached pdf. 

I look forward to receiving your nominations. 
