CORONAL LOOPS WORKSHOP VI – Second announcement. Dear colleagues, we are pleased to announce that the online registration is open for the 6th Coronal loops Workshop to be held in Floréal Club, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, from the 25 to 27 of June 2013 and organized by the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence/Royal Observatory of Belgium. The on-site registration will open on Monday afternoon 24th, followed by a welcome reception. The meeting will start on Tuesday morning and run for three full days. A limited amount of funds are available to support students and early post-docs. Registration and Deadlines: * Financial support request (with abstract) deadline: 30/3 * All abstracts due by 30/4 * Early registration deadline 15/5 (250 Eurs). Later registration 300 Eurs. Accommodations: Room reservation form for Floréal Club is accessible from the conference website. The hotel will keep rooms blocked until May 10th, after this deadline the availability is not assured. Other hotels are also available in the area. More information are found in the conference website Scientific Topics: The loops workshops are a series of highly focused meetings dealing with the observation and modeling of magnetically confined plasma in active regions. A few review talks will introduce these topics, highlighting recent progress and unresolved questions. Both observational and theoretical aspects will be covered during each session by contributed talks. The workshop's main goal is to encourage discussion among the participants. For this reason the number of talks will be limited, while the poster sessions will be long enough to allow time to view and discuss the others participants' work. We encourage people to submit abstracts related to the topics listed below. 1. Heating and high spatial resolution: what we have and what we really need. a. Hi-C and IRIS observations of coronal loops b. Modeling fine structure of coronal loops Invited speakers: L. Golub, A. Title (TBC), P. Browning 2. Diagnostic tools for observations: DEMs/EM, hot plasma, flows and lines profile, importance of energetic particles, filling factor a. What is their time dependence b. Which of them that can be estimated with sufficient precision to provide unique signature of a heating process? c. Can we identify missing observables (feedback also from theory)? Invited speakers: H. Hara, D. Brooks, I. Hannah 3. Connection of the different layers of the atmosphere. a. Modeling issues in TR. b. Moss and their connection with the chromosphere c. Direct feeding of corona (e.g. Type 2 spicules). d. Diagnostic tools Invited speakers: V. Hansteen 4. Energy release in the corona: frequency and magnitude of events. a. Do heating timescales changes in different scenario? b. Is the heating location always the same? c. Where do we stand with dissipation of waves? d. Which are the observables predicted by models and which is their incertitude (due to assumptions, model limitations etc.) Invited speakers: A. Van Ballegooijen, I. De Moortel For your information the PROBA2 SWT-7 will be held in Brussels (ROB) on Monday the 24th of June. The schedule is adapted to allow people to reach La-Roche on the day. See information at