Dear All,
We were informed that "your manuscript, "Prominence-cavity regions observed using SWAP 174A filtergrams and simultaneous eclipse flash spectra", by Bazin, C. Koutchmy, S. and Tavabi, E. has been accepted for publication in Solar Physics."
A preprint is available at:
Note it is the 1st time that prominences and the so-called cavity often seen above eclipse prominences are analyzed using a high spectral resolution near the HeI and the HeII lines simultaneously with high S/N ratio SWAP filtergrams at 174A and with EIT filtergrams, shedding some light on the prominence-corona interacting region physics.
Please find after an abstract of the paper.
Feel free to contact the authors in case some additional material is needed.
At the occasion of the last solar total eclipse of 11th July, 2010, we studied SWAP filtergrams (from the PROBA2 mission) taken at 17.4 nm in the Fe IX/X lines with simultaneous slitless flash spectra in the spectral region of 470 nm. These eclipse flash spectra showed many faint low excitation emission lines with He I 471.3 nm and He II 468.6 nm Paschen {\alpha} chromospheric lines, and correspond to off-limb prominences regions observed with space-borne imagers. We aligned and stacked 80 individual spectra to study some modulations intensities along the continuum between the monochromatic images of the prominences without parasitic scattered light. We observed intensity depressions around the continuum between prominences in both eclipse and SWAP images. The prominence cavities are associated with a depression of the plasma density, produced in the interface regions between the corona and the prominences. Photometric measurements are shown at different scales and different narrow spectral intervals, for both the prominences and the coronal background.
Comments: 20 pages, 15 figures.