Submit your abstract for the fall AGU - should be some good loop discussion!!!

Session Title: Mass and Energy Transfer Between the Solar Photosphere and Corona

Session ID#: 9061

Session Description: The transport and deposition of non-thermal energy from the photosphere through the chromosphere and transition region into the corona drives the dynamics and energetics of the low solar atmosphere and holds the key to chromospheric and coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. The coupling between photosphere and corona also plays an important role in flare initiation. Our view of these processes is rapidly changing with the advent of high resolution imaging and spectroscopy covering a wide range of temperatures from photosphere to corona, coupled with advanced numerical simulations. This session is focused on new views of the mass and energy transfer between the photosphere and corona, and welcomes contributions using recent observations with IRIS, SDO and Hinode and/or numerical simulations of the coupled solar atmosphere. Contributions on full-atmosphere observations of flares using IRIS, SDO and Hinode are encouraged as well.

Submit HERE:


Scott W. McIntosh
High Altitude Observatory

Office:  (303) 497-1544
Mobile: (720) 215-9675
Mobile (UK): 0785 433-7629