Dear All, 

Please find at the following link the preprint of a work accepted for publication on the ApJ Letters on upflows in warm coronal loops.

The details are below:

Title: Observations of plasma upflow in a warm loop with Hinode/EIS

Authors: Durgesh Tripathi, Helen Mason, Giulio Del Zanna and Steve Bradshaw

Abstract: A complete understanding of Doppler shift in active region loops can help probe the basic physical mechanism involved into the heating of those loops. Here we present
observations of upflows in coronal loops detected in a range of temperature temperatures (log T = 5.8-6.2). The loop was not discernible above these temperatures. The speed of 
upflow was strongest at the footpoint and decreased with height. The upflow speed at the footpoint was about 20 km/s in Fe VIII which decreased with temperature being about 
13 km/s in Fe X, about 8 km/s in Fe XII and about 4 km/s in Fe XIII. To the best of our knowledge this is the fi rst observation providing evidence of upflow of plasma in coronal 
loop structures at these temperatures. We interpret these observations as evidence of chromospheric evaporation in quasi-static coronal loops.
