I am pleased to announce that Susanna Parenti, Inaki Ugarte Urra, and Nicki Viall have been elected to the Coronal Loops Workshops Steering Committee to replace outgoing members Spiro Antiochos, Joan Schmelz, and Robert Walsh.  In addition, Fabio Reale has been elected the new chair.  The committee will now begin to evaluate the proposals we have received for hosting the summer 2013 workshop.  Additional proposals are still welcomed.






James A. Klimchuk

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Solar Physics Lab, Code 671

Bldg. 21, Rm. 158

Greenbelt, MD  20771



Phone:  1-301-286-9060

Fax:      1-301-286-7194

E-mail:  James.A.Klimchuk@nasa.gov

Homepage:  https://sedupdate.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/index.cfm?fuseAction=people.jumpBio&&iPhonebookId=15844

No endorsement by NASA is implied for any correspondence related to my role as an officer of professional organizations (American Geophysical Union, International Astronomical Union, American Astronomical Society).

