Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Solar activity is at a high level. A third X-class event has been released by
yesterday's target (now designated as NOAA 11748). This most recent event was
an X3.2 flare that occurred on 13-May-2013 at 01:11:00. NOAA 11748 shows
some evidence for containing delta configuration in its leading spot (a single
sunspot penumbra surrounding two umbrae of opposite polarity; the umbra in the
north-west portion of the spot appears to be positive and the umbra in the
south-east portion appears to be negative), possibly giving the region a
beta-gamma-delta configuration. The region is still very close to the limb, so it is
difficult to determine the Hale classification with certainty. Because of the
possibility that the target exhibits a beta-gamma-delta configuration and has
produced an X-class event in the previous 24 hours (that was larger than any
previous events produced by the region), the Great Flare Watch will remain in
effect for at least the following 24 hours.

The position of NOAA 11748 on 14-May-2013 at 18:40 UT is:
N12E71, ( -877", 212" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Paul A. Higgins (Trinity College Dublin / LMSAL)