MM#009 Default HESSI Target

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
Target region NOAA 1555 was stable and quiet.  The southern limb
region mentioned yesterday was very active during the past 24 hours.
It was the source of 7 C-class events and an M1.3 event
at 08/30/2:11 UT.  The region is too close to the limb to ascertain
its magnetic configuration.  We will switch to the SE limb region
today.  C-class events expected with another M-class event
probable in the next 24 hour period.

The approximate position of the target on August 30 at 12:00 UT is:
S25E85 (Solar X = -858", Solar Y = -408")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Bill Marquette (Helio Research)