Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

The level of solar activity remains very low. NOAA region 11682 has
continued in decay phase and was reclassified by NOAA as a beta/D-type
sunspot group. In contrast, NOAA region 11683 stabilized in the past
24 hours and was reclassified as a beta-gamma/E-type sunspot group. A
new region is emerging in the South West quadrant, while yesterday's
target region continues rotating over the North East limb. This region
remains too close to the limb to determine a magnetic classification,
but has shown several surges after two low C-class flares yesterday.
B-class activity is expected, with a chance of a low C-class event.

The approximate position of this region on 3-Mar-2013 at 14:00 UT is:

N08E75, ( -927", 164" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Shaun Bloomfield (Trinity College Dublin)